Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

Yesterday Nathan and I celebrated our 2nd wedding anniversary. We both cannot believe its already been two years. Time flies when you are having fun!

Monday night we decided to go to dinner because we wanted to be able to relax the next day and enjoy each other. Oh side note, we took Monday and Tuesday off from work. So we went to Kyma, which is part of the Buckhead Diner Group, and I had a gift card I recieved as a gift. So that paid for a quarter of our meal. Then while we were there we realized it was resturant week. For those who do not know what resturant week is, it is where the "fancy" restruants have a special 3 course meal for $29 each! So we decided that we would come back the next night, which was actually our anniversary, and eat off the "cheap" menu. So we went back last night to Atlanta Fish Market, and it was pretty good! Then of course we came home and were in bed by 9:30pm. We are getting old!

The picture above is from our traditional, because I made it a tradition, anniversary before dinner picture.

The picture below is Lucy wanting to be in the picture also! She is so funny.

The weekend was uneventful, except for the awesome Soup Swap I went to Sunday and learned how to make homemade carmel sauce...yummy!

This Satruday I take the GACE, please pray for me. I HAVE to pass it to get into the PSOE at school.

Sunday we are thinking of going to ride the motorcycle somewhere! I love the fall weather!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Sick :(

Well today I am home sick. I have a sinus fun.
My children at school are sick and coughing all over the place, so I am sure that doesn't help!
This week is also finals at today is a great day to study study study!!!
Nathan and I are going to the Cherokee Pignic tomorrow night and Saturday, so I will be sure to post pics from that.
And...our 2nd wedding anniversary is vastly approaching! 2 wonderful years have flown by!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Back By Popular Demand!

Well, I went to my cousin's wedding on Saturday and saw many family members. Some got on to me for erasing my first here I return again!

The wedding was beautiful! I got some very pretty flowers from the night!

And some great pictures ...

My sister and beautiful grandmother GG!

My mom and her sister!

And my wonderful husband and I dancing! **Fall in love more and more everyday!**